升降机厂家提醒,正确的操作上海升降机可以延长其使用寿命。Shanghai elevator manufacturers to remind the correct operation of the Shanghai lift can extend its service life.
1.升降机作业前,上海升降机厂家的工作负责人应向操作人员,进行技术和安全交待,内容应包括:工作内容及要求;安全注意事项及危险点;人员分工情况及责任范围。Shanghai elevator operations, Shanghai elevator manufacturers responsible person should be accountable to the operators, technology and safety, the content should include: the contents and requirements of the work; safety precautions and dangerous point; division of labor and responsibility.
2.使用升降机必须配置经过专门培训,考试合格,持证上岗的专业操作人员。Shanghai elevator must be configured with specialized training, examination qualified, professional operation personnel certification.
3.升降机操作人员必须按照机械设备的保养规定,在执行各项检查和保养后方可启动上海升降平台,工作前应检查液压液压升降机的工作范围,清除妨碍升降平台车回转及行走的障碍物。Shanghai elevator operation of mechanical equipment maintenance personnel must be in accordance with the provisions in the implementation of the inspection and maintenance before the start of Shanghai Shanghai check the hydraulic lifting platform, hydraulic lift range should be before work, remove obstacles in the way of walking and rotary lifting platform car.
4.支撑是升降机操作的一项重要准备工作,应选择平整的地面,如地基松软或起伏不平,必须用枕木垫实后,才可进行工作。Support is an important preparatory work of Shanghai elevator operation, should choose a flat surface, such as foundation is soft or rough, must use the sleeper pads after, can work.
5.升降机一般应先起下臂,再起中臂,最后起上臂。在液压升降台回转操作过Shanghai elevator general should play under the arm in arm, back, arm end. During the operation of the hydraulic lifting platform, it is necessary to carry out the rotation when the lower arm reaches a certain height, and the rotation should be slow. 程中,必须在下臂起升一定高度后方可进行回转,回转应缓慢,同时注意剪臂及平台对各设备的距离是否满足安全需要。
6.升降机工作平台上的操作人员应佩带安全带,在带电区域工作时,应将车体按规定进行接地,液压升降台登高作业应由工作负责人进行指挥,负责人应按照GB5082标准规定信号与上海升降平台操作工进行联系。Shanghai lift work platform on the operation of personnel should wear a safety belt, in charged areas of work, should be the body of the ground in accordance with the regulations, the hydraulic lifting platform climbing should be responsible person for the command, who should be responsible for the contact signal and Shanghai lifting platform operators in accordance with the GB5082 standard.
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