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2022-12-30 13:49:15

安全是第一生产要素!不止是升降机设备的使用,所有的机械设备使用都不得超出生产厂家所标配的产品参数值。随着升降机厂家、公司越来越多。市场上上海升降机价格竟争激烈,很多公司为了吸引客户,经常会发现虚报参数配置,以更优惠的价格取得用户的青莱,很多时候用户拿别人的配置报价过来对比参数,说别人的参数配置又好,价格还低,其实看过参数后觉得很多都是画蛇添足,有些甚至都是没用的。Safety is the first factor of production! Not only is the use of Shanghai elevator equipment, machinery and equipment are used in all products shall not exceed the standard values of the parameters of manufacturers. With more and more manufacturers and companies in Shanghai. The market price of Shanghai elevator fierce competition, many companies in order to attract customers, often find the false parameter configuration, the user has a more favorable price of Qinglai, users often take others over the configuration and quotation comparison parameters, said parameter configuration of others is good, price is low, in fact, many parameters that have seen is superfluous, some even are useless.

我们也很无奈,有时候表面工作做得好也是一种营销手段,但是终究不会是长久之计,如果忽悠一时成交造成以后永不成交这也是损人不利已的事情,升降机厂家销售原则第一条就是:诚信,务实,绝不允许误导虚报,任何的交易都必须建立在清楚明白的合同条款中,我们始终以诚信经营,服务至上的理念为广大用户服务,所以升降机厂家发展迅速得到了很多用户的支持与信赖。Safety is the first factor of production! Not only is the use of Shanghai elevator equipment, machinery and equipment are used in all products shall not exceed the standard values of the parameters of manufacturers. With more and more manufacturers and companies in Shanghai. The market price of Shanghai elevator fierce competition, many companies in order to attract customers, often find the false parameter configuration, the user has a more favorable price of Qinglai, users often take others over the configuration and quotation comparison parameters, said parameter configuration of others is good, price is low, in fact, many parameters that have seen is superfluous, some even are useless.

我们相信未来升降机厂家一定是朝着规范化发展,朝着品牌化发展,将会淘汰很多不切实际,粗制烂造的伪劣产品。任何企业都不得僭越“安全第一”这最基本的生产原则,更不得蓄意篡改产品参数值为有更高的利润不择手段。客户在购买升降机时最好现场试验,上海升降机连续举升货物在三次及以上。另外,如在使用过程中有任何不良现象要立即停止工作,进行全面检查或致电上海升降机厂家。 Safety is the first factor of production! Not only is the use of Shanghai elevator equipment, machinery and equipment are used in all products shall not exceed the standard values of the parameters of manufacturers. With more and more manufacturers and companies in Shanghai. The market price of Shanghai elevator fierce competition, many companies in order to attract customers, often find the false parameter configuration, the user has a more favorable price of Qinglai, users often take others over the configuration and quotation comparison parameters, said parameter configuration of others is good, price is low, in fact, many parameters that have seen is superfluous, some even are useless.


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